Luz Miranda

  • 1412 State St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - Cedar Hill

    This house has trash accumulated over 6 months which is causing rodents going to adjacent units

    I was unable to find the owner’s contact information and current occupants refused to remove the debris on their driveway

    Can someone visit this house and the next to it? Both are full of debris causing this street to look unpleasant

  • Quinnipiac Ave New Haven, Connecticut, 06513 - Annex

    Trash, grass and overgrown trees all over right side of Quinnipiac Ave from where the sign Welcome to Quinnipiac…from Rte 80.

    Pedestrian can’t even use de sidewalk because it is covered with overgrown grass and trash

  • 357 Quinnipiac Ave North Haven CT 06473, United States - North Haven
    Refer to attached pictures
    This side of Quinnipiac Ave have been neglected for years. Why? Please visit and explain
  • 1410 State St New Haven, Connecticut, 06511 - Cedar Hill

    Sidewalk overdue to replace

    Please remove n replace
    We pay taxes